3 RESET Air certified gyms with purified indoor air

reset air quality standard gyms biofit matt morley certified

What is the RESET Air standard for healthy indoor air quality?

RESET stands for “Regenerative, ecological, social and economic targets” and the company’s stated mission is to make occupant health measurable by leveraging technology, shifting the focus from prescriptive design to measured results by using cloud software and making building data transparent - easily available to occupants.

Such third party certifications can form part of a gym, health club sustainability plan, providing rigorous third party approval aligned with global benchmarks. For more on how to make your gym, health club or sports centre more sustainable, see here.

While there are now a range of RESET standards, including Materials, Circularity and Energy but it is the RESET AIR standard that focuses on indoor air quality and Matt Morley, Founder of Biofit gym consultants, is a certified RESET Air Accredited Professional (AP), so we here focus on this particular element as it relates to gyms.

The unique part about RESET is that it adopts a non-prescriptive approach, allowing projects relative freedom in terms of how they address air quality issues. To illustrate this, the three main components of RESET AIR are as follows:

  • Deployment and installation of indoor air quality monitors (APs are trained to create a professional monitor deployment plan

  • Standards for qualified monitors (only Grade A and B, not retail grade C)

  • Standards for collecting and reporting data via accredited cloud data providers (priority is data completeness and data on a project meeting targets for key pollutants of TVOC, CO2 and PM2.5 specifically) 

For more insight on the risks of poor indoor quality in gyms, and the opportunity for gym management to differentiate themselves whilst attracting new gym members via enhanced indoor air quality protocols, see our previous article here.

ufc gym reset air quality standard certified biofit matt morley

UFC GYM - RESET Air standard certified for indoor air quality

The UFC gym in Shanghai, China is the world’s first gym to achieve the RESET accreditation standards across the distinct healthy building categories of Air, Water, Energy, and Materials. First we will zero in on the indoor air quality topic in particular.

To achieve RESET Air the gym owners implemented supplementary ventilation to the commercial filtration systems as well as real-time air quality monitoring that has been fully automated to regulate and control the air flow within the gym space.

This helps to combat air pollution and the generally poor indoor air quality that is seen in many less conscientious gyms, especially, in our experience, martial arts gyms where hygiene can be severely lacking! Add in the location in Shanghai, a notoriously polluted city, and clearly there was an opportunity to do things differently here.

healthy water standards in the ufc gym shanghai

All the water in the gym is filtered for drinking purity; with an extra emphasis on shower and drinking water, removing chemical impurities that can be easily absorbed via ingestion or through the skin. Water quality, like the indoor air quality, is constantly monitored by the use of real-time sensors and regular, monthly testing.

energy efficiency in the ufc gym shanghai 

The gym tracks and manages all energy consumption in real-time with the aim being to provide optimum thermal comfort while minimizing energy expenditure. Sub-meters allow for transparency and greater control of energy usage throughout the day.

healthy materials in the ufc gym shanghai

Healthy indoor materials present in the gym interiors include eco fiber acoustic panel made from coconut husk and natural latex used for soundproofing, a bio-based and biodegradable material.

On the floors, we find Taraflex Evolution Flooring by Gerflor that has low chemical emissions and provides shock absorption qualities as well as slip resistance.

A polyester acoustic panel installed on the walls of the gym is 100% recyclable and can be disassembled for the recycling process at its end-of-life.


space fitness centre reset indoor air quality biofit

SPACE Fitness Centre - RESET Air standard certified for indoor air quality

Space is a 1023m2 premium fitness center in Hong Kong offering cardio equipment, weight training, functional training, group fitness studios, stretching areas and a relaxation lounge as well as group programs such as pilates, yoga and kickboxing.

In 2022 Space Fitness Centre was RESET Air v2 certified, deploying Airthings Dashboard as its data provider, specifically the “Airthings view plus for business” - a comprehensive Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitor that gives the facility complete control over their indoor air; helping gym management to ensure a consistently healthy environment, whilst also reducing energy consumption. Additionally, the Airthings Hub provides real-time data from all Airthings dashboards.

The dashboard includes alerts, advanced analytics, and reporting for air quality. Some features include air pressure, light, virus risk, air pressure, airborne chemicals, humidity, and temperature. It also provides tips to reduce indoor air hazards, energy costs, and how to optimize indoor ventilation.


highlands sports complex reset indoor air quality certified biofit

Highlands Sports Complex - RESET Air standard certified for indoor air quality

The Highlands Sports Complex in West Virginia houses six basketball / volleyball courts, an 88,000sq ft indoor turf area, full size outdoor field, arcade, event spaces, and more, making this a considerably larger sports facility for RESET Air certification than either of the previous two case studies mentioned.

The sports complex was RESET Air Certified in 2021 using Auros Group’s Auros360 data management platform and the Tongdy MSD-16/MSD-18 monitor measuring the five key parameters of PM2.5, TVOC, CO2, temperature, and humidity.

Aligning themselves with the WELL Healthy Building Standard’s AIR chapter intent, using the RESET Air ‘crosswalk’ between the two standards, the sports complex addressed the following areas:

WELL Building Standard / A01 / Fundamental Air Quality

  • Formaldehyde less than 27 ppb

  • Total volatile organic compounds less than 500 mg/m3

  • Carbon Monoxide less than 9 ppm

  • Particulate Matter2.5 less than 25 mg/m3

  • Particulate Matter10 less than 50 mg/m3

  • Ozone less than 51 ppb

  • Radon less than 0.15 Bq/L

WELL Building Standard / A02 / Smoke Free Environment

  • a facility-wide no smoking policy

WELL Building Standard / A03 / Ventilation Effectiveness

  • through the RESET Air Crosswalk, ventilation effectiveness is monitored 24-7 365 for real-time through measuring a variety of indoor environmental quality factors

WELL Building Standard / A04 / Construction Pollution Management

  • Ductwork were sealed and protected from possible contamination during construction

  • Ductwork was cleaned prior to installing registers, grills, and diffusers

  • Media filters with minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) 8 and higher are used

  • All filters were replaced prior to occupancy

  • All diesel equipment had as little impact on the site and inside the facility due to its careful operations

WELL Building Standard / A05 / Enhanced Air Quality

  • Particulate Matter2.5 less than 10 mg/m3

  • Particulate Matter10 less than 20 mg/m3

  • Formaldehyde less than 13.4 ppb

  • Benzene less than 3 mg/m3

  • Carbon Monoxide less than 6 ppm

  • Ozone less than 25 ppb

  • Nitrogen less than 21 ppb

WELL Building Standard / A06 / Enhanced Ventilation

  • Outdoor air supply exceeding by 30% the rates described in ASHRAE 62.1 – 2010

WELL Building Standard A08 / Air Quality Monitoring and Awareness

  • educating occupants through digital materials and communications about the importance of indoor environmental quality

WELL Building Standard / A09 / Pollution Infiltration Management

  • The building envelop has been commissioned based on ASHRAE Guideline 0-2013 and the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) Guideline 3-2012 for new construction and done by an independent professional

  • The building vestibule has closed doorways to slow the movement of air from outdoors to indoors and all mats are cleaned per the recommended operations schedule by operations staff and our outdoor sports areas are separated by concrete walkways leading to the vestibule area.




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