Best Yoga Mat Brands for a Sustainable Gym — gym designers + fitness consultants

Best Yoga Mat Brands for a Sustainable Gym

HEJHEJ, Germany

Hejhej is a fairly new German brand that produces yoga mats for eco-conscious gyms and sustainable yoga studios. The fitness industry is increasingly integrating eco-friendly practices, transforming how various brands operate and offer products. Their production is carefully designed with the intention of creating a piece of that truly respects the environment, with sustainability at the forefront of its operations and customer experience decisions. It is crucial for gyms to adopt sustainable practices to foster a community that prioritizes environmental responsibility both in and out of the gym.

The hejhej yoga mat design was developed with the Fraunhofer institute with the help of yoga teachers. Every yoga mat is handmade locally in Germany from soft fabrics formed through a combination of hemp, organic cotton, and recycled cotton. Promoting eco-friendly initiatives within gyms can enhance member engagement and attract conscious consumers, positioning the facility as a leader in environmental responsibility.

Such sustainable materials give the yoga mat a “long living and hygienic surface” according to the brand and after testing out a mat for nearly six months now, we have to agree.

The mat’s surface is a very tight cell structure to avoid moisture absorption and give a “strong grip feel”. One thing we do notice however is that it heats up when left in the sun for too long, unlike say a cork yoga mat that does not have that issue.

Sustainable gym equipment - the hejhej case study

To protect natural resources like water, hejhej avoids the dying process of its material and keeps its natural color. This intentional choice avoids the excessive use of water that is wasted when dying the yoga mats so they end up with a mottled grey or black finish, ideal for integrating with just about any sustainable yoga studio design or sustainable gym design. Additionally, this practice helps reduce carbon emissions associated with the manufacturing process.

Hejhej pride themselves on their attention to detail. Sustainable design components can be seen in the sewing yarn they choose to use for their mats, avoiding the traditional plastic sewing yarn with one made from organic cotton instead.

For the cord of the yoga mat and care tag, they chose organic hemp while the zipper they employ in the yoga mat case is composed of recycled fishing nets. Using energy-efficient equipment in the production process further reduces the environmental impact of gyms by minimizing energy usage.

Hejhej keeps a sustainable mindset even at the packaging level. The entire packaging, down to the tape and shipping label is made from recycled materials, plastic-free and CO2 neutral. The Hejhej yoga mat is a product that does not produce any additional waste.

Once a mat reaches the end of the life cycle, customers can then send it back to the company (free of charge) for it to be recycled into new yoga mats. For doing this, customers will get a discount code for their next purchase.

That is before we factor in the warm glow from having avoiding adding their mat to landfill - a distant concept for most people but our waste all has to end up somewhere, and the impact of this is incredibly damaging, so better to keep things in the loop whenever possible.

atha sustainable yoga mat spain cork biofit


Atha yoga mats for sustainable gyms

Atha was founded in 2020 based out of Barcelona, Spain offering *“*high-performance Yoga mats from environmentally friendly and sustainable raw materials”.

Atha yoga mats are made up of sustainable materials such as natural rubber, cork, eco-polyurethane, and organic cotton. The yoga mats are plastic-free and 100% vegan, meaning Atha does not use any animal-derived ingredients or by-products. They also incorporate eco-friendly gym supplies to further enhance their commitment to sustainability.

The product range centres on two types of yoga mats, the Atha Pro Yoga Mats (which uses biodegradable polyurethane materials) and Atha Cork Yoga Mats (which uses cork materials). Atha’s products contribute to the growing trend of eco gyms, which prioritize environmental sustainability alongside fitness goals. Atha's use of sustainable materials is part of a broader sustainable fitness journey, inspiring the fitness industry to adopt more eco-friendly practices.

recycled materials in yoga mats by atha

Natural rubber here is derived from a specific Para rubber tree whereby the latex from the tree is drawn off by making incisions into the bark and collecting the liquid which is then refined into a rubber that is eco-friendly, sustainable, and jam-packed with natural antibacterial properties. This material also helps reduce energy consumption by minimizing the need for synthetic production processes.

This process may seem very invasive on the tree however, Atha has specified that it is a process that has been going on for many years, and that the tree’s wellbeing isn’t affected. The natural rubber contains no toxic chemicals and is biodegradable. Therefore, their mats come free from PVC, TPE, PER, and other harmful thermoplastics.

The cork used in the production of the yoga mat is derived from the outer bark of a specific tree called “Cork Oak”. This special tree is the only one that can regenerate its stripped bark. The tree can regenerate because of stored carbon. The stripping and harvesting of the bark is a sustainable practice that is done every 9 years. Creating an environmentally friendly gym involves using such sustainable materials to minimize environmental impact. Additionally, having recycling bins in gyms is crucial for managing waste effectively and promoting responsible waste disposal.

A tree that is stripped and harvested can absorb up to five times more carbon dioxide than one that is not - reinforcing the case for this. being a suitable material for use in a sustainable gym design or eco yoga studio design.

Eco-polyurethane in their Pro Yoga mat series eco-polyurethane is used. This material is offered called “vegan leather”. The eco-polyurethane is a neutral sustainable material because it doesn’t have any negative impact on the environment. It doesn’t contain chemicals that affect the human body or Ph levels in water/ soil. The material also degrades in normal landfill conditions (less than 10 years).

As stated by Atha “Eco-Polyurethane does not consist of any chemicals that affect endocrine and hormone systems, and it does not contribute to the PH change in soil or water. In other words, it has no negative impact on the environment. It does not leak and contaminate water nor does it corrode healthy soil. Eco-Polyurethane degrades in normal landfill condition in less than 10 years and the only bi-products it releases are non-toxic elements”.

The last main material used in Atha sustainable yoga mats is organic cotton which avoids the traditional cross-contamination with pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides. A unique advantage of using organic cotton is the maintenance of soil growth and preservation of water.


Noveme as a yoga mat for sustainable luxury gyms

Noveme is a new plant-based luxury yoga mat company based out of London, UK. The name Noveme means “9” which honors the 9 years of maturity oak trees need to reach for the cork harvesting process.

It was founded in November of 2021 by Diana Tavares with the intent to connect workout equipment with nature and sustainability. They work with family-owned businesses in Portugal to build their vision.

The London-based company prides themselves on their high-quality natural materials. Each product is handcrafted in small batches, and the little machinery they do use is powered by solar panels. The nature-based fitness equipment offers a sense of connection with nature through its sustainable build. Energy-efficient HVAC systems are crucial in maintaining comfort while reducing energy consumption. Additionally, air conditioning plays a significant role in optimizing building environments for energy efficiency.

sustainable materials in yoga mats

The materials Noveme uses to produce the yoga mats are durable, renewable, biodegradable, and free from toxic and hazardous substances. Noveme currently only sells one yoga mat, the “Natural Yoga Mat”.

The main materials used in this yoga mat are cork and natural rubber. The yoga mat is a handcrafted cork yoga mat, with a 100% cork top layer and a natural tree rubber base. The cork material is harvested every 9 years when the cork tree has matured. The base of the yoga mat is a natural tree rubber that is derived from a latex tree and avoids hazardous and toxic substances. Noveme also emphasizes green cleaning practices to ensure that their products remain eco-friendly throughout their lifecycle.

With Noveme sustainability doesn’t end with the product. All orders are sent out in recycled packages with a compostable “thank you” card that is fully compostable and contains a handful of seeds so customers can plant natural wildflowers - a wonderful final flourish! Additionally, Noveme is committed to eliminating plastic water bottles by encouraging the use of reusable alternatives and providing filtered water stations to promote sustainability.


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