Sustainable Gyms: ESG Sustainability Planet Fitness — Gym Designers + Fitness Consultants

planet fitness WELL certified healthy building standard biofit

How Planet Fitness enhanced their Social policy in response to Covid

Planet Fitness is one of the largest and fastest-growing global fitness franchises in the world. Currently, they have more members than any other fitness brand with a broad range of classes, a massive facebook friends following with videos and gym.planet information.

To operate safely, Planet Fitness made a “COVID-19 re-opening playbook” to keep their employees and members safe. Gym owners are responsible for implementing these social policies and safety measures. We see this as a key strategy in their gym sustainability plan (click link).

This playbook includes the implementation of policies and protocols that support the long-term health and safety needs of its employees, members, and guests, while also being environmentally responsible.

In particular, they focused on their gym indoor air quality, cleanliness, and emergency preparedness. They call their new policies the “clean thumb club”.

planet fitness gyms and the well health & safety rating

planet fitness WELL health safety rated biofit

Partly as a result of this playbook, in 2022 they became the first fitness brand to achieve the WELL Health & Safety rating for all their 2,200 clubs, this healthy building certification gained popularity during the pandemic as a solution to provide a safe and healthy environment. This rating, along with eco-friendly practices, contributes to sustainable fitness by promoting energy-efficient equipment and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Eco gyms are also part of this trend, aiming to reduce environmental impact and energy consumption. They also focus on creating an environmentally friendly gym by incorporating sustainable practices.

Further research reveals that this is a theme that runs deep within the budget gym company. They have implemented four new features to protect both their gym members and employees of their gym business.

A healthy arrival at the gym

Before even stepping into the gym, the Planet Fitness app allows members to track how many people are at the gym and make an assessment on whether to visit at that time or to wait until occupancy levels drop.

The Planet Fitness app also has features for safe arrival - to avoid unnecessary contact by checking in, Planet Fitness added a new feature on their “PF” app that provides a digital key tag.

cleaning, air conditioning & hygiene as part of a healthy gym experience

Inside every gym, there are cleaning stations scattered around the fitness floor. Each station is stocked with disinfectant spray and paper towels; employees have enhanced cleaning protocols for the machines. and hand sanitizers are abundantly available.

Optimizing air conditioning systems can help reduce carbon emissions by improving energy efficiency and minimizing the environmental impact.

In addition to these hygiene practices, the concept of a green fitness studio is gaining popularity. These studios promote sustainability by using energy-efficient lighting, renewable energy sources, and other eco-friendly measures to reduce environmental impact.

Cleanliness features and processes can only do so much without the help of the members. Therefore, Planet Fitness facilities also encourage members to assist in the health and safety efforts. They ask for their members to be “Cleansiderate”.

They ask that members wash their hands for 20 seconds before and after working out, clean their used equipment, practice “social fitnessing”, follow local guidelines on mask-wearing, and if they aren’t feeling well – to take a rest day for safely distanced recovery. Planet Fitness has even coined the term “Social fitnessing” which means keeping a safe distance between others.

During peak covid times, gyms would have every other machine open to allow for social finessing; they now leave this to the gym members and encourage their “social fitnessing” for the safety of all.

We have even heard of the Planet Fitness water bottle rules - refilling your own bottle rather than buying single use plastic versions is definitely the way to go here!

planet fitness WELL certified health safety rating gym biofit sustainability

Sustainable gym strategy - energy efficient lighting

Planet Fitness has also made efforts in energy efficiency, water management and sustainable material choices throughout the years. (source: 2020 PF Purpose impact report).

In regards to energy efficiency in their gyms, a key concept in any sustainability plan for a large gym chain, Planet Fitness released a statement acknowledging the impact that energy around the world has had on GHG emissions and their efforts to reduce their contribution by optimizing air conditioning systems. They also focus on reducing their carbon footprint through energy-efficient practices.

In 2015, Planet Fitness switched all its lighting to LED, incorporating energy efficient lighting as part of their energy-saving measures. From 2015-to 2018, Planet Fitness saved 4,172,406.9 kwb, thereby reducing its impact on GHG emissions. They have also started using solar panels as a renewable energy source to further promote environmental sustainability.

In addition, in 2017, Planet Fitness introduced the “Save Energy System”, which decreased energy usage by a further 20%. These energy-efficient practices contribute to the overall goal of sustainable fitness by minimizing the environmental impact of their facilities.

water management in gym sustainability

The gyms started a water management project in 2016. Since then, about 20,000 gallons of water have been saved annually per club. They also assessed the shower water flow in the locker rooms and reduced water use that way with low-flow fixtures. 

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), assessed the Planet Fitness HQ and corporate club footprints and compared them to similar businesses -the brand had 33% less energy usage and 40% less water usage than the industry benchmarks. Whereas, the corporate club has 17% less water usage. 

recycled materials at gyms by planet fitness

Planet Fitness also has focused on having sustainable materials. They use and promote the use of vendors and suppliers offering eco-friendly features and prioritize the use of recyclable materials where possible. They emphasize the use of eco friendly gym supplies such as sustainable yoga mats and foam rollers. Every Planet Fitness location has rubber flooring that is made from 62% of post-consumer recycled content. They also use sustainable gym equipment made from recyclable materials. The use of recycled materials and eco-friendly supplies contributes significantly to sustainable fitness.

In line with these efforts, Planet Fitness is embracing the concept of an eco gym by implementing environmentally responsible strategies, such as using energy-producing equipment and reducing their carbon footprint.

From Jan 1, 2019- Aug 12, 2019, 37% of all materials from the Planet Fitness headquarters and corporate clubs had an environmental feature, meanwhile, 65% of paper products had an environmental feature. It doesn’t take any mathematical gymnastics to see that this is a positive step.

reduce plastic waste in the planet fitness gym sustainability strategy

A noteworthy element to the gym recycling plan at Planet Fitness headquarters is their food waste project in which all food waste is transported to a local farm where it is used to feed the animals or composted and returned to the soil for improved topsoil health. Efforts to reduce plastic waste within the fitness industry include implementing recycling programs and using sustainable packaging.

In addition, throughout the headquarters abundant recycling bins locations for paper, cardboard, plastic, cans, and bottles are there to make it as simple as possible for staff to responsibly sort their waste, thereby reducing plastic waste and the waste sent to landfill.


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Sustainable Gyms: LEED Certified Sports Complexes and Leisure Centres — Gym Designers + Fitness Consultants